Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Because a pad of paper was not in reach and I am vury tired...

A few quick projects I want to attempt before the end this year:

~enter Holgapalooza with at least one shot.
~Create a calendar with 12 months of lomography shots.
~Submit some short stories to magazines.
~write out a few more short stories
~wirewrap some beachglass and make hemp necklaces with those as pendants.
~finish the amigurumi Hellbear and Chocobo I started last year.
~coding the stupid fishtank project in the Java book we got.
~get the Dead Rising achievement on the Xbox360 for staying on the roof all 72 hours (if it actually exists)
~finish reading all the manga brought home from ConnectiCon

I've got other stuff, but that's all the stuff I forgot to write down on my handy-dandy whiteboard when I was setting up my to-do list earlier. it's 2 am and I won't remember from the time I get up from the laptop to walk upstairs to the whiteboard. Lame, but at least it's listed somewhere!

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